Twelve Seamless Tiling Stone Textures
by Frances Proctor (okay, we already said that—angelize online)
We’ve never actually had a “theme” for our beautiful and persistent texture giveaways, but Christine Farrelly gifted us with lace-like patterns last month, and now France Proctor has created a texture set of enough rocks to keep Fred Flintstone and Barney busy for ages (specifically the Upper Paleolithic Ages). Try these out as wall textures in your illustrations (they’d go great with your ideal Man Cave), put text on them and create a reflection for “Museum” themes, or you could actually draw some rocks using these textures as fills, and then add some shading with black, white, and some transparency.
But perhaps the best motivation to get you started with your rock garden is the Guest tutorial this month, where Frances takes you through the steps to making a wet string of text on a stone surface. Get your imagination and your igneous out and watch the video tutorial!
Good Morning Sunshine! that has brought a smile to the faces of print and online subscribers for 14 years. She uses Xara products extensively in her work for her firm, SunWings Graphic Design. She loves to teach and share her love of Art though her YouTube channel, her contributions to The Xara Xone and her work on Xara’s TalkGraphics forum as a moderator. You can drop her a line through her website or better yet stop by the Xara Xone forum on Talkgraphics and chat with Angelize there.
(Angelize online), is the co-publisher of the weekly,