
This month, Gary Bouton takes you through the process of creating an outdoor sign, from concept, to typography, to drawing it in Xara Designer, to exporting it for personal printer and for commercial printing. How good does that get?! If you have a garage sale (don’t tell Gary), a bake sale, a sports league sign-up, or other service, event, or product you need to advertise on a sign, sign up today for Gary’s Xara TV tutorial for April 2012.

Support and comments and discussion for this tutorial is on TalkGraphics.com in the Xara Xone fourm thread The April 2012 Tutorial Discussion. Come on over and show us how you’ve put this tutorial to use.

Bonus— Gary Priester Takes a Look at Xara Web Designer MX Premium

Xara Web Designer MX  The Gary Priester Review!

Xara Xone’s Host Emeritus takes an in depth look at the brand new Web Designer MX (v8). Discover what’s new NOW!