Ten Tiling Textures for Spring
by Gary Bouton (Gare)
Ten Tiling Textures for Spring by Gary Bouton (Gare online)
Ten—count ‘em 10—seamless tiling textures are yours this month, courtesy of Gary and the Xara Xone Giveaway. They’re organic, they’re unique and they’re as fresh as Spring (unless you live in Syracuse, NY where it’s still snowing).
Discuss this giveaway in the Xara Xone forum on TalkGraphics.com
Exclamations. You can send him some email, visit his personal website, or better yet drop on over to the Xara Xone Forum on TalkGraphics and talk to Gary and the rest of the Xara community.
has been drawing with traditional tools for almost 40 years, and with digital tools such as Xara for close to 20. As large a fan as he is a practitioner, Gary encourages others to express themselves artistically through his writing, the over 25 books on graphics he’s had published, through the videos and tutorials he creates for The Xara Xone, and through his online school,