Xara Photo
Part 1
September 2014
- Xara Designer Pro 9 and up
- Xara Page and Layout Designer 9 and up
Get the Tutorial files!
Xara Designer Pro contains some subtle but very apt and effective features for producing astounding image work in a way unlike other programs, vector or bitmap. This month, you’ll get a double scoop of advanced imaging techniques that only looks advanced. Gary Bouton is your video guide to producing top notch, intriguing photo compositions. Go get the tutorial files, learn two creative techniques this month—creating depth of field and selective color correction, and then take a deep breath and great into masking tools later this month. Two parts, too much fun!Bonus File! Early response on the Xara Xone area is that 1.) members want more to work with this month, and 2.) the tutorial of color replacement could be a little easier for beginners. So Gary has created a zipped-up bonus file you can download by clicking this link.

Go to the Xara Xone Forum on TalkGraphics to talk about this tutorial
Let's discuss the tutorial. Bop on over to The Xara Xone forum on TalkGraphics, and do some lighthearted Q&A. Come on over and show us how you've put this tutorial to use.
Tut Talk on Xara Xone Forum on TalkGraphics