Revenge of the Shape Tool:
Heaven Only Nodes
Episode II
October 2012
- Xara Xtreme, Designer, Designer Pro, Photo & Graphic Designer, just about any version.
Get the Tutorial files!
Download Transcript
If it is easier for you to read along while watching the video, I’ve provided the script I wrote for this video. It is not word-for-word for what I ended up saying, but it is very close. It is in PDF format.
If you’d like to translate this document or provide a translation for the video captions, please post in the Xara Xone forum at TalkGraphics.
Xara Xone Tutorial Video Playlist on YouTube
The shape of things to come this month is created with…the Shape tool, Xara’s all-in-one creation and editing tool. Come explore this month not only how to put the Shape tool at your beck and call, but also see how to join and break shapes, how to work the corners of your shapes with end caps, and how a line becomes a shape…and back again. It’s a designers’ dream in Part II this month, with a fall harvest of tutorial images and hands-on expert guidance.

Go to the Xara Xone Forum on TalkGraphics to talk about this tutorial
Let’s discuss the tutorial. Bop on over to The Xara Xone forum on TalkGraphics, and do some lighthearted Q&A. Come on over and show us how you’ve put this tutorial to use.
Tut Talk on Xara Xone Forum on TalkGraphics